Ever wondered if you’re measuring your shipments properly? Not doing so risks the possibility of either returning the package to the sender with postage due or continuing the delivery of shipments while still charging the pending credits to the seller, also known as postage adjustment.
Below is an example of what is referred to as a postage adjustment.
To avoid the further dilemma, we’ll deep-dive into this discussion by learning the essentials. Here are the following steps you can do to measure your shipments with accuracy:
It is necessary to double-check the shipment information, given that everything must be correct after importing. However, keep in mind that overlooking them can negatively impact your online business with the following:
Logistic carriers usually round up the weight of shipments. For instance, if your package weighs 2 lbs. and 5 oz., it would be rounded up to 3 lbs. instead.
Take note that Stallion Express accepts weight units in pound (lbs.), ounce (oz.), and gram (g).
Spare yourself the trouble by using the appropriate devices, such as measuring tape and packaging scale for the precise measurement and weight of your shipments rather than doing estimates.
Remember to invest in a shipment scale instead of a regular weighing scale, as it won’t give you the most accurate measurement. Shipping staples like Smart Weigh Digital Shipping and Postal Weight Scale and Dymo Postal Scale are recommended to guarantee the exact weight of your packages.
Stallion tip: Whether you already have your own shipment scale or planning to buy one, have it calibrated on a regular basis to achieve precise results.
Dimensional weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight.
Circumstances like this will occur when the dimensional weight is applied instead of the actual weight. This often happens when the dimensional weight is greater than the actual package weight.
To calculate the dimensional weight of a package, multiply the length by width, and by height then divide by the dimensional weight divisor.
For example:
Length x width x height ÷ 166
Need further guidance from the Stallion team? Reach out to us at [email protected] or call 877-863-7447 to talk to one of our client service representatives.