Shipping from Canada to the US Cost When Shipping Cars & Everything You Need To Know

Since auto factories are based in the United States, it makes sense for Canadians to travel south of the border and buy a vehicle from the States. Since the cost of shipping a car from the US to Canada is lower than getting your car from a Canadian dealership, more and more Canadian drivers are getting their cars from America. Let’s take a look at the process of transporting a car across borders and shipping from Canada to the US cost.

What do you need when shipping a car?

Back in the day, it was significantly more comfortable to get a car from the States and drive it back across the border. When shipping a car from Canada to the US, you just needed to show proof of ownership, passport, and pay some taxes and import duties. But now, there are more factors aside from shipping to Canada from the US costs. Due to bureaucratic reasons, things have tightened up and admittedly have become much more difficult. 

Cars coming from the United States need to be modified before they could drive on Canadian roads. Ensure that your vehicle is allowed to be transported. Before knowing the cost of shipping a car from the US to Canada, make the necessary adjustments to your vehicle before making the trip up north. Most cars can be brought up as is, while some will need modifications.

Before anything else, make sure all your papers are in order and that you have called the appropriate offices and authorities before the shipment date. Scan the documents of your car, such as the title, registration, and car insurance, and mail them to your carrier of choice to make the process of transporting your vehicle as smooth as possible. Keep in mind that the cost of shipping a car from the US to Canada is one price you should be prepared to see.

While contacting a shipping company can help you with all this red tape and paperwork, they can only do so much. Aside from the cost of shipping a car from the US to Canada, this process involves tons of paperwork. There are still some hurdles that they cant smooth over for you even if you have provided them with all the necessary documents. One of these obstacles is the dreaded 72-hour export rule.

We admit that this rule can be tedious and time-consuming, but this rule exists for a good reason. The United States wants to make sure that no stolen or leased cars cross the border and make it to Canada, causing a significant international problem. Before you cross the border, you must contact the exact border crossing office 72 hours prior and send them a digital scan of the front and back of your title. Work with a shipping company that can process this for you. Take note that this isn’t included in the shipping fee from Canada to the US package you’re about to choose.

After waiting for the required amount of time and processing the necessary documents with the border patrol, it’s time to cross that border and head straight home. There is a catch, however. You will still have to make a quick stop at the nearest US export office, pass the paperwork, and cross the border.

How much does shipping to Canada from the US cost and vice versa?

Now, let’s talk about the real meat of all this article. How much does shipping to Canada from the US cost and vice versa? Surprisingly low. The shipping fee from Canada to the US with discounts also affects shipping from Canada the US cost. Even after exchange rates are included, you don’t have to spend more than $1000 to get your car into the US. Of course, Canada’s shipping fee to the US is subject to an increase if there are any add-ons to your shipment, such as express shipping or other perks.

After getting your car across the border, you have precisely 45 days to register. Before shipping from Canada to the US, make sure to plate your vehicle at the nearest registration office to avoid the consequences of driving an unregistered car along the roads since it has also become a requirement when shipping from Canada to the US.

Shipping a car from the States to Canada can be a stressful, time-consuming business. You need a reliable courier service that can help make this challenging task a little bit easier for you. For your shipping needs and concerns, we recommend contacting Stallion Express as your courier of choice.

6 Best Practices in eCommerce Shipping and Receiving Services

Suppose you’re steadily growing your eCommerce business. Congratulations! The next essential step you have to take is making sure your shipping and receiving services make customers happy. 

There are instances when unexpected eCommerce shipping issues pop up. You might encounter miscommunication with manufacturers, suppliers, or your customers. Shipping internationally might be a challenge. There could be issues that are out of your control: restrictions due to the ongoing pandemic, unexpected shipping costs and margins, and more. It can be overwhelming, but take it as an opportunity to improve. 

The Basics of eCommerce Shipping: How Does It Work?

It is essential to have a clear understanding of the shipping workflow. Without this knowledge, it can be challenging to track the factors and prevent issues from occurring. eCommerce shipment is all about the transport of products purchased online and their delivery to the designated location. You want to make sure that every step of the process runs smoothly and leaves customers satisfied. 

Receiving the order

The customer orders from your store. Check to ensure that the customer submitted all the required information to process the order. Work with manufacturers or suppliers for inventory. If you are a small business, use digital applications, such as MS Excel, to make it easier for you to do your inventory.

Processing the order

After verifying the accuracy of the customer’s data, the stock manager proceeds to confirm the availability of the order. The item should be in stock with zero damage, and safely packed. Once all is settled, the shipper gets the green light to pick it up. Again, if you are a one-man team, then it is your responsibility to check each product to ensure that it passes the standard.

Order Fulfillment

Items are prepared to ship. The fulfillment of the order varies in method, such as outsource fulfillment, self-fulfillment, dropshipping, and more. 

Delivery of the order

The order has been successfully delivered to the customer’s destination. The customer signs a receipt as an official proof of completed delivery. Hopefully, the customer leaves positive feedback, but some companies later ask for reviews on the purchase and delivery services. 

6 Best Practices of Shipping for eCommerce

After learning the basics of the process, the next step to a growing and effective online business is setting a strategy. What makes an effective shipping strategy? Here are six essential factors to get you started.

Understand Shipping Responsibilities

The first step to building a shipping strategy is to learn the job’s responsibilities. 

Loop Your Customers in on Real-Time Updates

One of the most critical factors in growing your relationship with customers is to keep them updated. Connect your e-commerce store with the system used in shipping. It shows your transparency and will increase overall customer satisfaction. 

Set Clear, Specific Goals

Setting detailed objectives helps build the exact strategy you need. What do you want to accomplish in building your eCommerce business? Are you planning to expand globally? What about shipping costs and margins? Is there a need to improve in operations? Create your goals based on what you’re focused on achieving. 

Understand the Digits

A primary goal of online shipping is to provide the right (and preferably lowest) shipping rates to customers. Think about your product size, locations covered, and available shipping services. Free shipping is usually a good starting point, but find out what truly matches your unique needs. An example would be finding which shipping service is cheapest, the services best for small business shipping in Canada, and more.

You also need to know duties, taxes, and tariffs. There might be additional fees required, and you should inform customers about this. Make sure to include it on your shipping policy page. 

The Small Details Matter 

With the large pool of competition in the eCommerce industry, you have to stand out to get more customers and sales. Therefore, you need more than just a simple shipping service.

One great idea is to add a type of packaging insert. Some examples are discount offers, personal gratitude notes, product samples, and more! You can be as creative as you please to impress your customers. 

Find the Right People

Hire the right people and build the right team together. All these goals can only work if everyone shares the same spirit to accomplish them. 

Final Word

Shipping is only one of the many factors in eCommerce growth. It might be overwhelming at first, but take it one step at a time. If carefully planned and implemented, it will take you to unexpected levels of success. Give your customers a shipping experience they’ll never forget!

7 Questions about Canada US Border Shipping

Many Canadian sellers consider expanding their online businesses beyond the border and into the United States, entering one of the largest eCommerce markets worldwide. However, many are having second thoughts due to the lengthy process of Canada US border shipping. Plus, shipping products from Canada to the US is costly, be it across the extensive land border or through sea routes from Nova Scotia or British Columbia. 

Online sellers also consider US market advantages, shipping from Canada to US cost, Canada to USA shipping time, and shipping security. If you are into e-commerce and are looking to take advantage of the largest market in North America, read on as we will answer the top 7 questions about Canada US border shipping.

1. Why should I bring my business across the US border?

Although you can grow a business within Canada, expanding to the US market can positively impact your eCommerce journey. Americans spend more time online than Canadians since the latter would buy things in physical stores rather than online.

In addition, considering that Canadians value quality products over designer brands, you will see a Canadian citizen buying goods because of their quality and price, not because of their brand name. So, many Americans purchase across the border because they think that Canadian products have better quality.

2. How big is the eCommerce industry in the US?

While there are more online buyers in Canada than in the past, the country still ranks six places lower than the United States in this aspect. About 260 million American consumers buy online, with US $538 billion in revenue. While Canada has 27 million eCommerce users, with a US $15.1 billion gain. Given these numbers, you can say that the US eCommerce industry is on a different level. 

Americans are heavy purchasers of online shopping platforms, such as Amazon and eBay. Suppose you compare the monthly visitors of each website to its Canadian counterparts. In that case, you can see no less than a 99.9% difference. Amazon USA has 2.73 billion monthly visitors, while Amazon Canada has only 160.45 million users. On the other hand, eBay USA has 855.82 monthly visitors compared to 28.22 million monthly visitors of eBay Canada. 

3. How much will the cross border shipping cost?

Usually, a cross border shipment can be costly. On average, Canadians spent CAD 17.62 on cross border shipping for goods weighing 4oz (113g). However, you can spend less on shipping, especially bulk orders if you have a shipping partner.

Questions Canada US Border Shipping

4. What documents do I need to prepare during the process?

You must prepare the following documents to pass the entry requirement if you process the shipment yourself.

Bill of Lading (BOL). In the document, you can find essential details, such as the lists of goods carried in the shipment, the address of pick up, and other relevant information, including package size, weight, and personal info.

Proof of Delivery. Technically, this document serves as the receipt of the BOL that indicates that the receiver got the package in good shape. You will also find a signature confirming the time and date delivered.

Commercial Invoice. You will find the full description of the goods and their value.

Certificate of Origin. You will see where the shipment came from and know how many collections of customs duties are by NAFTA regulations.

It will be easier to pass the customs clearance if you have a shipping partner to help you get through Canada customs. Furthermore, you don’t need to prepare all of these documents as the forwarder will do the task on your behalf.

5. How long is Canada to the USA shipping time?

Accuracy is essential in shipping as well as swift and secured service. Deliveries to the US via national carriers may take up to seven days. This mostly depends on the distance that your package needs to travel. Also, as you are making an international shipment, your items will need to go through US customs. So, you will also need to factor in the waiting period, which may vary depending on the volume of goods getting into the country.

6. Is it easy to ship products from Canada to US?

Bringing consumer products from Canada and the US may be expensive. Still, it is not difficult, thanks to friendly relationships between the two countries. The flourishing trade has also established standards and rules that simplify the exchange of goods. You only need to abide by the existing trade regulations and have the proper documentation for your shipment to go through.

7. Why Choose Stallion Express?

With the right partner, you can bring down the costs of shipping products from Canada to the US without compromising your shipment’s integrity and quality of customer service. Stallion Express offers a reliable shipping service at a price you can afford. Moreover, you can skip other rigorous processes, such as getting the BOL, Proof of Delivery, and Certificate of Origin, as Stallion will do the rest for you, with less Canada to USA shipping time. The receiver can expect to receive the parcel within 2 to 4 business days, in contrast to the National Carrier’s delivery time of 5 to 7 business days. 

Through a fast and easy integration process, you can connect your Amazon, Shopify, eBay, or Esty to your Stallion Express account and get all the perks they offer. You can ship your products and avail almost 75% discount on shipping! Plus, the Stallion Protection policy can help you keep your package secured until your customer receives their packages.What are you waiting for? Partner with Stallion Express now for your next Canada US border shipping!

Basic Information You Need to Learn About Canada to USA Shipping Time and Everything in Between

With the help of advanced technology, opening an online business has become more attainable to everyone. It may not be easy like starting any business, but the opportunity is more open than conventional businesses. As long as you have a high-quality item, an excellent marketing strategy, and the most suitable online software, you can create your eCommerce business a success.

However, as the number of online businesses goes up every year, the competition is getting demanding. You need to find better ways to keep your online business with the trend. Furthermore, finding the right target audience, understanding their needs, and providing their wants will increase your potential to succeed in your eCommerce venture.

One of the ways to boost the audience is to widen the place you deliver your products to. Instead of just providing your products domestically, why not consider Canada US border shipping? You may think that it takes too long before your items could get there, hindering the faster return of investments (ROI). Still, we can help you understand the basic information you need to learn about Canada to USA shipping time and everything in between and decide for yourself if it’s worth the effort.

Why do a lot of small businesses consider Canada US border shipping?

You might wonder why numerous Canadian online sellers opted to send their products to the United States because many Canadian customers are already attracted to the eCommerce industry. However, it is not about preference but the opportunity. These Canadian online sellers have seen a potentially massive market for their businesses in the United States. That’s why they consider cross-border shipping.

Small businesses rely on customer loyalty to stay on track, yet the crowded online selling industry makes it harder to find customers that will continue to support your business. Thus, expanding your reach will get you a better target audience. However, transit time can be one of the issues you look at because you have doubts.

What are the factors that affect the transit time?

Before discussing how long it takes to ship your items from Canada to the US, let’s talk about the factors that can delay your shipment:

Traffic, road constructions, horrible weather conditions, high delivery volume, and incorrect shipping address are factors that cause a delay in shipping.

What should you do to avoid issues while shipping?

Some shipping problems are affected by outside factors, so the only way to prevent it from happening or minimize its effects are;

– Prepare a shipping calendar

Similar to any calendars, shipping calendars are used to schedule shipments ensuring that all parcels are scheduled correctly and within the business hours of the shipping company. Shipping calendars are very helpful, preventing online sellers from being overwhelmed due to high delivery volumes. Furthermore, shipping calendars are also beneficial during holiday seasons as you.

– Build a shipping strategy

Having a shipping strategy will give you a better insight into where your business is going. You might think that shipping is one part of the entire process. However, it plays a vital role in satisfying your clients. With an effective shipping strategy, customer retention is highly plausible. What should you include in your shipping strategy?

How Long Does Shipping Products Take From Canada to USA

How long does shipping products from Canada to US take?

Due to different factors, transit time can vary. However, you may look at the postage option, the month of delivery, and the weather forecast. Typically, the national carrier has a delivery time of five to seven business days. If these are too long for you, how about you check Stallion Express and see if they work best for you?

They offer two to four business days to deliver your items. One of the fastest delivery times compared to other carriers. Stallion partners with United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS), and FedEx US to ensure express shipping of your parcels. Whether priority mail or not, they provide a postage option that will suffice your shipping needs.

How much does the shipping cost?

Similar to transit times, shipping charges can also vary depending on the weight and shipping address of the end-receiver. However, to provide you with estimated shipping rates, the lowest shipping cost the national carrier can offer for a package weighing 4oz or 113g would be $17.62. However, Stallion Express offers 4x cheaper than the mentioned price for the same package weight.

Is the hype worth the risk?

While we cannot speak on behalf of all online sellers, don’t all businesses require risks? Fears and doubts are usual in business, but you should not make them the deciding factor whether you push an opportunity away from you or pull it to your advantage.

Cross border shipment can provide you with the opportunity for better reach. So, why not take that risk? The opportunity has already been presented to you. Thus, making something out of it is your responsibility.

Let Stallion Express Be Your Shipping Partner

Let Stallion Express Be Your Shipping Partner!

Regardless of the shipping method you choose, let Stallion Express be your partner. Aside from the fast shipping service and cheapest shipping charges, you can integrate your online shop from Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Shopify with your Stallion account for a quicker and more manageable system. While we may not answer the question of how to ship from the US to Canada, you can check Shippsy to help you instead.

Don’t forget to follow and connect with us through our Facebook and LinkedIn accounts for updates!

How can Sellers Engage in Canada US Border Shipping?

With the COVID-19 pandemic bringing stricter border controls, shipping items from one country to another gets challenging. For instance, the implementation of border closure continues between the US and Canada for safety measures between the two countries. This situation affects businesses that do Canada-US border shipping.

It’s also tough especially, for sellers like you, if your profit mainly comes from shipping your items. But you can do something about it!

Read on because this article will tell you everything you need to know about the Canada-US border shipping.

Defining cross border shipping

First and foremost, you must know what cross border shipping means. It is the process of shipping items that have surpassed customs clearance across two different countries. In this case, the Canada and US border. 

It may be simple to define, but you should take note of a lot of things. You have to follow a lot of rules and prepare certain documents when shipping items across the border. You might also need to pay some costly shipping from Canada to US customs as part of the process. 

Fortunately, cross-border shippers are also on the rise. These are shipping companies that help you ship your items internationally (including from Canada to US) minus the hassle and delays in delivery.

What do you need to know about Canada US Border Shipping?

As mentioned earlier, Canada has imposed more stringent measures for border closure to the US. This is due to the rising cases of the ongoing pandemic that affects both nations. 

You may rely on cross -border shippers to help you in shipping products from Canada to US. You may see them primarily operating in Canada’s large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, etc. 

The Canada-US border shipping process starts with listing and selling your products on any online site, but you’re buying your postage from the US. The cross border shipper can help you purchase postage from USPS (United States Postal Service Postage) to take your items across the border without delay. Additionally, keep your accounting to CAD since you’re buying from a Canadian company (only consider the exchange rate, no hidden fees).

The good thing with cross border shippers is that they use the express shipping USPS postal rates so you can save as much as 50% to 70% off of what you would normally pay when shipping products from Canada to US. Some companies may also let you mail them your US packages, then they’ll do the rest of the shipping task.

5 documents that you need for Canada US border shipping

Here are the five documents that you need to prepare when shipping products from Canada to US. You must carefully fill out these government-mandated documents so your items can quickly pass through the border. It’s better to prepare and complete these documents because missing even just one may cause significant delays.

Bill of Lading (BOL)

The Bill of Lading shows the list of goods in the shipment. It must also indicate the origin address, item specifications like the size and weight, and your contact information. The shipper, driver, and consignee have to fill out and sign the BOL form accordingly.

Proof of Delivery (POD)

This document is the receipt portion of the BOL, showing that the cross-border shipper received the items in good order. It should also contain a signature confirming the delivery date and time. As the shipper, you will receive a notification once the carrier uploads a POD through your chosen Canada US border shipping company.

Commercial Invoice (for shipping products from Canada to US)

The Commercial Invoice indicates the value and full description of the item you’re shipping. This also requires two copies, one that goes to the BOL, and the other goes to the shipment heading to the US.

Canada Customs Invoice (for shipping products from US to Canada)

Secure two copies of the Canada Customs Invoice for a seamless Canada-US border shipping process. One copy has to come with the shipment, from its origin to customs clearance, while the second copy must be attached to the BOL.

Certificate of Origin

To ensure accurate collection of customs duties under NAFTA regulations, you must also have a Certificate of Origin, which simply shows where the shipment comes from.

What items should you not ship to the US?

You must also keep in mind that there are products not allowed in doing Canada-US border shipping. These are just some of the items prohibited and restricted by the US Customs and Border Protection from entering the US border:

Prohibited items or items that are forbidden by law:

Restricted items which may require special licenses or permits from a federal agency:

It’s important to know these certain restrictions before shipping products from Canada to the US because there are some items that the latter may consider as harmful to their community health, public safety, or would even affect national interests. 

Key Takeaway

Just taking all this information about Canada-US border shipping is sure to overwhelm even long-time sellers like you. And with all the time-consuming processes and protocols that you have to follow, it’s time that you seek assistance from expert cross-border shipping companies like us, Stallion Express. In fact, we already partnered with USPS, so this saves you a lot of money while assuring faster shipping of items to your customers. Furthermore, you will be able to skip filing and preparing the documents mentioned above as Stallion will take care of the rest. All you need to do is create an account, provide the necessary information, and manage your orders in one user-friendly software tool.

Now, feel free to consult us about shipping your parcels, logistics, and border shipping.

5 Amazon Fulfillment Services Tracking Tips

We don’t need to mention any statistics or studies to prove that one of the pet peeves of online shoppers is late deliveries. Amazon saw a market for this, so besides putting up an online marketplace, they’ve built the most advanced fulfillment centers worldwide. Hence, the birth of the Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) program. According to a survey conducted by JungleScout, 66% of respondents from different countries use FBA as a fulfillment method and utilize Amazon fulfillment services tracking to monitor their shipments.

What is Amazon FBA?

nChannel has a simple yet straightforward description of what Amazon FBA is: “FBA works like this: you sell it, then Amazon ships it.”

But where does Amazon tracking service enter the picture? Here’s how Amazon FBA works:

  1. You ship your inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers.
  2. Once your items arrive at their warehouse, you can monitor them via the Amazon tracking service.
  3. A buyer orders your products from Amazon.
  4. Amazon picks, packs, and ships the item to the customer.
  5. The customer will be provided with tracking information.
  6. Amazon provides customer support and returns service for items ordered.

Why is it important to track your shipment?

If you have noticed, there are two types of tracking information you must regularly check. First is the tracking information for your inventory that will arrive at fulfillment centers. The second is the Amazon fulfillment service track order information that your customer will receive after placing an order.

Why do you need to track both periodically? It is not only because you don’t want angry customers hunting you down if their orders don’t arrive on time or get lost during delivery. Amazon also evaluates how good you are in managing your inventory and deliveries. The online retail giant regularly monitors the following seller performance metrics:

Inventory Performance Index (IPI) 

IPI measures your inventory management skills. You can get an IPI score between 0 and 1,000. 

Take note that Amazon changes the minimum IPI score requirement depending on the current situation of the supply chain around the world. When the IPI was introduced, the minimum threshold requirement was 350. However, the pandemic restrictions forced Amazon to raise it to 500 in July 2020 for preparation of the fourth quarter.

IPI is also used to measure the performance of your FBA business. As defined by Amazon, “IPI score is based on how well you drive sales by stocking popular products and efficiently managing on-hand inventory.” Four factors come into play when determining the IPI score: excess inventory, stranded inventory, sell-through rate, and in-stock rate. Among the four, it is the in-stock rate that you should monitor as it indicates if your replenishable products have enough stocks or not.

Remember that your work is not yet done after creating a shipment plan. You must ensure that your shipment is received and sorted out in an Amazon fulfillment center. The replenished inventory will be reflected in your Seller Central account. What is the consequence of unsuccessful inventory replenishment? You will miss sales and profit, affecting your IPI score. Amazon will also penalize you with storage limitations and higher storage fees.

Perfect Order Percentage (POP)

POP measures the orders that were successfully accepted, processed, and fulfilled. Your POP score must be more than 95%.

This performance indicator is based on the Order Defect Rate, Pre-Fulfillment Cancel Rate, and Late Shipment Rate. How will you know you’re not meeting the required target? 

Customer Service Dissatisfaction Rate (CSDR)

As the name implies, CSDR is the percentage of buyers not satisfied with your responses in Buyer-Seller Messaging. 

We know that FBA provides customer service. When customers are asked, “Did this solve your problem?” and their answer is “No,” it will affect your CSDR. This metric calculates the percentage of “No” responses to this question. Once calculated, Amazon will give you a Good, Fair, or Poor rating.

Overall, if you haven’t met any of the metrics above, it may result in account suspension or deactivation.

5 Amazon Fulfillment Services tracking hacks

After knowing the tracking ID formats of well-known couriers supported by Amazon, let us teach you how to monitor your shipment using the Amazon tracking service.

Tip no. 1: Receive inbound shipment notifications

Enable this feature to receive the status of your inbound shipments to Amazon’s fulfillment centers by doing the following:

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account.
  2. Go to Settings > Notification Preferences.
  3. Find the Order Notifications section and click Edit
  4. Tick the checkbox next to Inbound Shipment Notifications.
  5. Hit Save.

Tip no. 2: Check your Shipping Queue

The Shipping Queue gives you the option to view the shipment you’re working on and those you’ve sent to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. In your Seller Central account, go to Inventory and select Manage FBA Shipments in the drop-down menu.

You can either check the status of your shipment under the Shipments tab and Shipping Plans tab.

Tip no. 3: Review your shipment summary

In the Manage FBA Shipments menu, find your shipment and then select Track Shipment. You will be directed to the Shipment Summary page that consists of six tabs:

You may either track your shipment under Shipment Events or Track Shipments.

The Shipment Events tab provides updates about your shipment from creation to closing, and its location. How will you know that your shipment arrived at the Fulfillment Center? The status will be in this sequence: Checked In > Receiving > Closed.

Tip no. 4: View orders on seller central account

In the Orders menu of your Seller Central account, go to Manage Orders and click the View FBA Orders link on the right side of the page. Here you will see three tabs: Pending, All Orders, and Cancelled. If you want to view all the orders, click the All Orders tab. You will be presented with a table of seven columns: 

You can filter by order ID, buyer email, listing ID, SKU (stock-keeping unit), product name, and tracking ID to refine your search.

Tip no. 5: Check delivery status on the courier’s website

Enable this feature by going to the notification settings in your Seller Central account and finding the Amazon Fulfillment Order Notifications. After doing this, you will receive emails from Amazon with a subject like “ has shipped the item you sold.” This email notifies you that your customer has gotten their order successfully.

If you want to make sure, open the email, and find the tracking number and the courier information. Copy the tracking number then go to the courier’s website and locate their tracking page to paste the tracking number in the search field. The courier’s tracking system will then provide you with tracking information for that specific order.


Be sure to regularly send Amazon FBA centers your popular products. That way, they don’t run out of inventory. Keep in mind that Stallion is able to ship $800 in retail value per shipment, per day. Drop off multiple shipments and let us stagger out the shipments. 

As you can see, there are different ways for an Amazon seller to track the shipment. All you need to do is to be proactive and diligent in monitoring your shipments and orders. Amazon Fulfillment Services tracking is a sophisticated system that you should check from time to time to maintain a healthy account and continue selling on the world’s largest online marketplace.
Are you having a hard time with Amazon fulfillment services tracking? Let us help you. Stallion Express is equipped to assist you with your Amazon FBA needs from start to finish. For inquiries, you can call +1 877-863-7447 or email [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Top 3 Reasons You Should Opt for Border Shipping Services

Canadians are regulars over on because it has lower prices and better options compared to It’s no wonder why border shipping services are in demand right now.


In border shipping services, instead of delivering the package directly to your buyer’s address, carriers will drop it off at a border town nearest to them. Doing this lowers the shipping cost because the carrier doesn’t have to cross the border to get the product to them. Aside from that, it saves them thousands in import taxes and customs and is one of the fastest ways to deliver their merchandise on time.

Let’s explore further how you and your customers can benefit from this service.


It saves buyers money on customs and import taxes.

If you have multiple orders from one buyer, it’s best to select cross-border shipping and pickup services because it can save them from paying customs dues and import taxes numerous times. Sending all their orders in one go allows them to pay for all the items all at once. And because these dues and taxes are based on the parcels delivered, lumping their purchases in one package reduces their fees significantly.

There are some cases when you cannot deliver items to a customer’s area because of strict import restrictions. A great alternative to circumvent that is to use US–Canada border shipping services. If the delivery cannot come to your buyer, it makes sense for them to meet the carrier halfway—literally.

It’s an affordable way to scale your business operations.

Border shipping is an excellent way for your small business to expand across the border. It’s a way to get around complicated shipping and exporting laws that may be a hindrance to your business. Now, you have more access to international markets than ever before, and you no longer have to endure long lines at the customs and high shipping costs. Many people in Canada and the United States choose this option to send and receive packages and parcels.

If you’re trying to scope out new business opportunities and test the waters without incurring high shipping costs, border shipping is a fantastic way to do just that. There is so little to risk but so much to gain since you don’t have to spend so much on setting up warehouses and other logistical expenses.

It tracks your orders on a real-time basis.

Another benefit of cross-border shipping and pickup services is the ability to track your orders in real time. Always being on the phone with your partner carrier and asking for updates can eat up your precious time, and in business, time is money. Cross-border shipping allows you to track your shipments as it travels, giving you accurate information without wasting your time and money.

Border shipping also allows you to cut down on inventory costs, which decreases your profit margins. Not only do you save money, but you also reduce the risk of damaging your product as it makes its way to its destination. As a result, you lower the chances of customers returning your item because of damage. 

Things to consider

Opening your business to the international market can be daunting and scary. And because of jitters, amateur sellers tend to forget a few things. Here are some things to consider when you’re thinking about shipping internationally.

Cater to versatile payment methods. 

One of the factors that discourage shoppers from buying from international sellers is that their payment methods are confusing or inaccessible in their country. When you open your business to international markets, you have to consider how they will be paying you and if that payment method works for them. Connect your business to an international money remittance center to make sending payments easier.

Create an international returns policy that works for everyone. 

As much as you wish your products would never get returned, it’s always a good idea to plan for the worst. Returning a product within your country is already tricky, and it gets trickier when you have a product returned to you from another country. Ask your partner carrier how it can help smooth things out for international returns.

Don’t forget to review the competitor market. 

When you’re planning to sell to other countries, you must make sure you’re not overselling or underselling your customers. Check out how other local businesses price their items and adjust yours accordingly.

Get the best international shipping service

Shipping is a significant factor in customer satisfaction and retention. The better the shipping experience, the happier your customers will be. Combine this with lower shipping costs, and we guarantee you will see a significant rise in your profit margins. 

It’s best to have a reliable shipping partner that caters to all your international shipping needs. With trustworthy real-time tracking services and speedy delivery, shipping across borders has never been easier. Contact Stallion Express today to learn more about our border shipping services and how they can help your business.

Drop Ship to Your Heart’s Content: International Shipping Rate Calculator

Drop shipping is a way to fulfill customers’ orders without keeping products in stock. Instead, you accept the orders, and then your supplier completes them and sends the products directly to your customers. It is one of only a few business models that require little or no money upfront, even when you need to send your products to other countries. 

Domestic shoppers are increasingly looking beyond their borders to find the products they need. In fact, the majority of online shoppers purchase from overseas retailers. Based on this information, it looks like drop shipping has a bright future.

What? I don’t have to keep products in stock? And there’s no need for money upfront? What am I waiting for?

Hold on just a minute! Like any business model, drop shipping has its share of challenges. This article will discuss the different problems you may face in the drop shipping business and how an international shipping rate calculator can address them by giving you more control over your supply chain.

Low Profit Margin

In drop shipping, the low overhead expenses translate to low returns. It’s how business works. If you invest a small amount, the profit will most likely be minimal. Drop shippers can expect an average margin of 20% and a conversion rate of 2%

You can then compute your profit using this formula:

Profit = (Traffic × .02) × (Average order value × .2)

It can be challenging for a business to remain profitable under these conditions. The only way to stay afloat is to sell a boatload of products, but that’s not realistic when you’re just starting. You have to find a way to lower your costs so that your profits are more substantial. 

That’s where a logistics partner comes in handy. In the traditional drop shipping setup, your manufacturer takes care of the entire order fulfillment process, including delivery. You can change this by taking the shipping out of your supplier’s hands. Instead, task your shipping partner with the picking up of orders from your manufacturer’s warehouse.  

With the efficient use of a shipping rate calculator, you can control the delivery costs and increase your profit margin. A 10% increase in your profit can be very significant to your bottom line.

Little to No Control over the Supply Chain

With how drop shipping is usually done, this is probably the most significant disadvantage compared to storing your own inventory. Because you have little to no control over the supply chain, you’re always at the mercy of how efficiently (or inefficiently) your supplier can fulfill orders. 

Having a logistics partner gives you more control over deliveries and pickups and makes the supply chain less dependent on things you can’t foresee. Sometimes, they provide you with packaging materials as well.

Many e-commerce businesses even integrate their logistics partner’s software with their platform to further streamline their processes, provided  that your manufacturer already has your inventory in their storage. Your buyers can access your partner’s international shipping rate calculator directly and find out the best price for international shipping.

In this setup, your manufacturer ends up just providing storage for your goods, and the extra fees will be less, of course.

Fewer Options for Delivery 

With more control over pickups and deliveries, you can offer more options for your customers. They can choose to get economy international shipping if the need for your product isn’t urgent. If they need the delivery to be quick, they can opt for a standard or expedited international delivery. 

There’s no need to worry about what companies ship internationally. Even local shipping companies have international partners, so your international customers can just sit back and relax while they wait for their orders. Computing the shipping charge is easier if they have access to a shipping calculator. 

Delivery Complaints

In traditional drop shipping, your supplier controls shipping, and that can be a problem. When there are delays, you’ll still be the one handling complaints. Worse, you’ll probably end up promising things to your customers without knowing if you can keep them. 

In the new drop shipping setup, you can contact your logistics partner directly and find out the status of any delivery. There are even companies that offer international tracking, which makes it easier to track shipments with the click of a mouse. That’s one of the services a good shipping partner offers besides an international shipping rate calculator.

Unreliable Suppliers

Your logistics partner can’t straighten out an errant supplier, but it makes switching to a new one so much easier. Because you control the shipping aspect of your drop shipping business, all you have to do is get the address of your new manufacturer and inform your shipping company about it. Plus, you can use a shipping calculator to determine if there are additional charges associated with changing suppliers.

There are several things you should consider when choosing a supplier. Here are a few of them.

  1. How do they handle returns or damaged items?
  2. How long does their fulfillment process take (minus pickup and delivery)?
  3. How is their B2B customer support? 
  4. Do they insure orders, or does your shipping partner have to take care of shipping insurance?
  5. Do they offer protection from fraud?
  6. Do they have good online reviews?

Rise to the Drop Shipping Challenge with Stallion Express

There are indeed many challenges that accompany a drop shipping business, but there are also a lot of possible solutions. All you need to do is be creative enough to identify the root of the problem and provide logical solutions. One thing is clear: if you have more control over your drop shipping business’s supply chain, your business has more opportunities to flourish.

Global e-commerce isn’t going anywhere. In 2019, global sales surpassed $3.5 trillion, and it’s expected to grow substantially from there. The competition is fierce, but with less capital and fewer risks, an ordinary seller can get into the e-commerce game easily through drop shipping.

If you need the help of an excellent shipping partner in starting a drop shipping business with minimal risks, contact Stallion Express. We offer viable shipping and e-commerce solutions to many companies all across Canada. Sign up now!

Fast Amazon FBA Shipping Charges for Your Online Business

It is, indeed, a dilemma to be in a situation where you need to look out for your sales, handle customer service, create reliable content, and still struggle with how to store, package, and deliver your client’s products to their doorstep within the day. Given that, not all online sellers operate in a team, but this doesn’t mean they can’t lead their way to success alone.

Luckily, there are shipping companies that offer partnerships where you can streamline your courier options with their shipment services. This set-up puts both parties in a win-win situation. All you need is effective communication: send the order confirmation to your shipping partner, and they’ll take care of the rest.

While it does sound plain and simple, the process can be pretty complicated if you have specific shipping standards for your brand and would like to get into detail with your partnership agreement. To fill in these gaps, this article will discuss the primary qualities of excellent shipping and how shifting to an FBA program will significantly improve your business management on Amazon. Let us go over the first objective.

Qualities of Good Shipping Services

Regardless of how you envision your company’s business branding, what all online sellers should have in common is the agenda to have premium-quality shipping for all customers. Transactions should not end in the checkout phase because everything done before, during, and after the transaction will contribute to the customer satisfaction rating of your brand.

Keep in mind that the only direct interaction between you and your customers is during the delivery period, when they will inquire about their order’s estimated date of delivery and will leave a customer review on your products. Make the final touchpoint of the purchase journey meaningful for your customers to establish their loyalty to your brand.

For start-up businesses, selling on Amazon will compel you to follow their shipping policy: delivering orders no later than the following day with respect to order placement date. If you aren’t careful, Amazon has the right to suspend your business for the mere reason of delayed and inadequate shipping services. You wouldn’t want that in your business history, would you?

Given this, you can see that shipping modes (i.e., air freight, sea freight, courier) aren’t the sole basis of an excellent shipping company. Delivery schedule and pricing are two essential considerations of consumers. Without an emphasis on these elements, potential buyers are more likely to abandon a purchase. These circumstances can be avoided with a seamless shipping partnership.

Before we delve into your options, how exactly would you know that you’ve signed up for a suitable courier for your business? Below are some tips to determine good shipping services:

  1. Same-day delivery mechanisms: As mentioned above, Amazon’s selling point is its promising shipping and delivery speed. All of your options for shipping should prioritize immediate deliveries, especially when you’re selling on Amazon.
  2. Availability of long and short distance delivery: If your business limits its target market within the US and Canada, then you don’t need an international shipping solutions partnership. When you have a long distance delivery service, the parcel can go almost anywhere within and outside the country, letting you reach out to customers in areas that are not-so-targeted by the marketplace. This is the ideal choice for businesses that want to make sure that their business grows in their country before they open their doors to shipping abroad. Delineating this matter will cut down unnecessary costs, especially if you’re tight on budget.
  3. Balance between being affordable and being worth every penny: Choosing the cheapest shipping partnership doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best option for your brand. It would be best to select a shipping provider who will not compromise on the quality of the services they offer in exchange for affordability.

Fulfillment By Amazon

After enumerating your prospective shipping partners, another subject you need to consider is the type of shipping procedure you prefer. One of the most popular and reliable methods is via FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon. Experienced and new sellers alike invest in this set-up where they coordinate with a retailer and get the job done.

The main objective of an FBA is to locate a company’s niche in the Amazon marketplace while working hand in hand with third-party sellers. There are currently two million online sellers across the globe that earn a profit from an FBA set-up, so if this data piqued your interest, then you’re on the right page.

Simply put, an FBA is a service offered by Amazon where third-party sellers can send automation of an order fulfillment and manage most of your shipping concerns. Instead of looking for a shipping partnership elsewhere, you can trust the skilled and readily available team that already works for Amazon. It is a relatively straightforward concept and organized structure. For a clear-cut understanding, the process is as follows:

Step #1: The online seller sends their products to Amazon for safekeeping and storage.

Step #2: The Amazon FBA team processes all order confirmations that they receive.

Step #3: The online seller or Amazon FBA team checks on the current stock quantity.

Step #4: The Amazon FBA packages and ships the products to the indicated address.

Step #5: The customer can access the Amazon fulfillment services tracking to monitor the parcel’s whereabouts.

It’s not difficult at all to ship directly to Amazon FBA team. Their lines are always open to communicate with online sellers. Aside from the simple process, Amazon also deals with warehousing, returns, and refunds— and that’s still not everything. The Amazon FBA program provides you with the opportunity to use all fulfillment shipping services, global and dynamic fulfillment networks, and redirect customers to an Amazon 24/7 customer service group.

Although the FBA program is constantly being developed to match the market trends, the only thing you need to think about is supplying Amazon with enough stocks of your product, and they will handle the rest of your former problems. 

Amazon FBA Shipping Charges

Every service you integrate into your business has a corresponding cost, but this shouldn’t discourage you from choosing them. The Amazon FBA shipping rates may or may not be cheap for your brand, as Amazon initially charges you for the storage capacity of their warehouse.

The fees vary depending on your products’ dimensions and weight and not by how much they are priced. Believe it or not, selling cheap yet huge products using an FBA program would do you more harm than good. So when choosing the FBA route, double-check if you’ve thoroughly understood and selected the most appropriate items for the service.

Aside from the storage fees, you also pay for the fulfillment fees of the program. Should you entrust this phase under their supervision, you need to closely monitor your inventory and regularly communicate with the Amazon FBA team. The general rule is that the more stocks there are in your inventory, the higher costs you’ll be paying.

After 180 days, you should expect an increase in your costs. Once Amazon tracks these items and you do nothing about them, they are classified as a “stranded inventory.” It would be a huge hassle to encounter this because Amazon will compel you to pay more for the costs together with a signed inventory report.

In response to this dilemma, marketing experts suggest clearing your stocks using bundles, discounts, and eye-catching sales. This approach would get your products moving in and out of the warehouse. Need leads as to how you can redirect traffic to your product page on Amazon? Use social media and other marketing channels to target your potential customers!

Shipping with Stallion Express

Now that you know how to identify a good shipping quality and what Amazon FBA can do for your business, let’s take a closer look at how Stallion Express lives up to these values. By streamlining your business with Stallion Express, there are numerous benefits that you will be enjoying just by being in the FBA program. Here are some of the advantages that we’ve enumerated:

Stallion Express offers fast and reliable Amazon FBA shipping services for online sellers in Canada who want to ship their products to the US and internationally. By providing low-cost shipping rates and fantastic FBA warehouses, we’re sure that you’d indulge in your savings. 

Our service leverage is championed by our discounts of up to sixty percent on US Amazon FBA shipments. We do not require custom clearances for under eight hundred USD costs, and we guarantee that there will be no additional brokerage fees.

Once you’ve decided to incorporate our services into your business shipping and delivery framework, we will follow an exhaustive process similar to the standard Amazon FBA stages:

  1. Prep: Labels in the Amazon Seller Central will be generated and attached.
  2. Print and Pay: The printed label would have a tracking number, then you would need to settle your payment so that a QR code can be generated and attached to the printed label.
  3. Drop: Send your products to any of our locations, or we can arrange a schedule for the pick-up option.
  4. Clear: We will clear your customs in the borders and have your client’s orders sent for UPS shipment.
  5. Arrive: We will ensure that UPS brings the package to the client’s doorstep within the day.

Ready to claim our fast and fantastic shipping services? Rush to our website and sign up for the Amazon FBA program!

Should you have businesses in other e-commerce sites outside of Amazon, Stallion Express accommodates sellers from eBay, Shopify, and Etsy! If you have any questions that you would like us to clarify, you can always contact us, and we will respond to your inquiries as soon as we can.

Did you find this article helpful? Let us know if you think that the services compensate Amazon FBA shipping charges by sharing your insights in the comments. We would love to hear from you! For more interesting articles, check out our blog.

Frequently Asked Questions About Amazon Fulfillment Services Tracking

Shipping is a vital part of order fulfillment. However, it’s entirely out of the seller’s control because a third party fulfills the task. Thus, it’s understandable if both sellers and buyers grow anxious while the package is on its way. 

Fortunately, Amazon offers a tracking system to aid sellers and buyers in monitoring their parcels. Find out the answers to some of the most common questions related to Amazon fulfillment services tracking.

Why is tracking important?

Tracking packages is an essential part of global supply chain management. What was once only a competitive advantage is now an industry norm to make the fulfillment process more efficient.

With the technological resources available today, a courier can’t function without a tracking system. Specifically, here are the ways Amazon fulfillment services tracking contributes to the industry. 

Enhanced customer experience

The rise in technological innovations has made people crave instant gratification. Real-time package updates provide a sense of security for clients. Monitoring the packages relieves client anxiety and assures them that their parcels will arrive no matter what. Tracking also takes off a burden from the customer service team because the automated system can relay the shipments’ status to the buyers (be it about the estimated delivery date or anticipated delays).

Package security

Tracking and tracing packages is not only beneficial to buyers, but it also helps sellers troubleshoot once a problem arises. Tracking enables sellers to trace a package if it goes missing and investigate if it gets damaged.

Because packages are scanned at every stop, the seller will know where to start looking by checking in which stops the package was scanned. In addition, tracking information also includes the address and delivery notes. These pieces of information can be crosschecked to verify whether a package is truly missing or just delivered to the wrong address.

Overall brand reliability

Shipping is a global industry and is open to almost every country. When you are selling from another country, say, Amazon US shipping to Canada, international customers may feel extra cautious doing business with you. 

Tracking generally increases the legitimacy and reliability of your business because it shows customers complete transparency. It can help eliminate their doubts and ultimately give them a better customer experience.

As all Amazon sellers know, the key to success in the platform is to put the customers first. A good customer service experience is a foolproof way to earn positive reviews, achieve five-star ratings, increase customer retention, build customer loyalty and, ultimately, claim your spot in the precious Buy Box.

Amazon fulfillment services tracking FAQs

1. Does Amazon FBA pay for shipping?

Aside from the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fee of $1.49 per item sold for individual selling plans or $29.99 per month for professional selling plans, sellers also have to pay a fulfillment fee per order, which depends on the product’s category, size and weight. 

On the buyer’s side, the shipping fee is part of what they pay for when they check out their items. The price will depend on Amazon’s standard shipping rates plus the customer’s chosen delivery service (whether standard or priority).

How much is Amazon shipping? Local standard shipping costs $4.99, with an additional $1.99 per kilogram in excess. A different rate applies to some items, including books and DVDs. For Amazon international shipping, you can expect around $7.49–7.99 for standard shipping and up to $14.98 for priority shipping.

2. How does Amazon fulfillment services tracking work?

Once your orders have been shipped, you can track the packages in real time by clicking the Track Order button next to your items. However, note that you cannot track some international packages. Also, tracking packages shipped through regional carriers may not be reflected in real time. If the shipping information provided is not accurate, contact the courier for updates.

3. What happens when my tracking information is missing?

As mentioned earlier, tracking information may not always be up to date or available. For example, during peak season, the scanning of packages has to be done in bulk. In this case, updates may not be reflected on the website until the first scan (can be in the regional hub or the local hub or on the day of the delivery itself). 

Other reasons can be because the sellers did not provide the tracking information or because Standard International is inherently not trackable. 

If these packages are not delivered on the estimated delivery date, try waiting for a day or two before reaching out. Due to various reasons, a one- to two-day delay in shipping is almost unavoidable. You should reach out to the courier or to Amazon if your package is still not available after two days.

4. Tracking says the package has already been delivered, but I haven’t received it. What now?

When the tracking website says that a package you didn’t receive has been delivered, it can be either because there was a mistake in the shipping information or there was a delivery attempt, but you were not available to receive the package.

To address this issue, you must first verify if you provided the correct address. Also, note if you indicated that your package can be left on your doorstep or with any proof of delivery. Check safe places in your home where the package could’ve been left or ask neighbours who could have received the package on your behalf.

You should also look for a “Sorry we missed you” card. This card is left in place of the package if it is deemed significant, if it needs a signature or if there are no safe locations in your home to leave the parcel. 

If you received this notice, know that there will be another delivery attempt the next day. Amazon Canada fulfillment services allow three delivery attempts within three consecutive days. If the package is still not delivered by then, it will be returned to Amazon to be refunded.

5. The courier’s update doesn’t match the website’s. Why?

Due to differences in processes, codes and communication styles, couriers may say the same thing differently. For example, if UPS says, “A UPS shipping label has been created,” it means your parcel is already in transit. If UPS says, “Same day will call,” it means the package is already available for pickup. 

If you find your courier’s notices too technical, you can always crosscheck them against Amazon’s tracking page. Amazon strives to communicate the information to the customers in the simplest terms possible.

6. My package is undeliverable. What’s wrong?

A package is considered undeliverable

All parcels labelled as undeliverable will be returned to Amazon for a refund. Should you decide that you still need the items, you can place another order while ensuring that your address is accurate and that you’re available to receive the item on the day of the delivery.

Key Takeaways

In shipping, it’s all about earning customers’ trust. Nothing is worse for them than accepting a damaged good (except not receiving the item they’ve been waiting for altogether). Prove your brand’s good reputation by choosing a shipping partner that can provide fast, cheap and reliable shipping. Visit Stallion Express today for a free consultation so that we can get you started.